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+21 Agony Infusion
+21 Agony Infusion (Ascended)
This recipe produces 1 +21 Agony Infusion
You don't need to buy a recipe sheet for this recipe
Required Level: 0
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
By ArtificerArtificer - Level 100
Supply: 0 / Demand: 313

Min. profit

Sell Price 1111Gold11Silver39Copper
Buying Price 1Silver78Copper
Profit 944Gold42Silver90Copper
Profit % 5305780.9

Max. profit

Sell Price 0Copper
Buying Price 444Gold71Silver52Copper
Profit -444Gold71Silver52Copper
Profit % -100

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+21 Agony Infusion
+21 Agony Infusion
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+21 Agony Infusion Overview

+21 Agony Infusion
+21 Agony Infusion (Ascended)
Min. profit for 1:944Gold42Silver90Copper
Max. profit for 1:-444Gold71Silver52Copper
More Details...
Min. profit Max. profit
Sell Price 1111Gold11Silver39Copper 0Copper
Buying Price 1Silver78Copper 444Gold71Silver52Copper
Profit 944Gold42Silver90Copper -444Gold71Silver52Copper
Profit % 5305780.9 -100
This recipe produces 1 +21 Agony Infusion
You don't need to buy a recipe sheet for this recipe
Required Level: 0
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
By ArtificerArtificer - Level 100
Supply: 0 / Demand: 313


Item Name Qty. Min. Unit Price Min. Total Price Max. Unit Price Max. Total Price Supply Demand
+20 Agony Infusion
+20 Agony Infusion
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
2 222Gold35Silver02Copper 444Gold70Silver04Copper 0Copper 0Copper 0 1283
Thermocatalytic Reagent
Thermocatalytic Reagent
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
1 1Silver48Copper 1Silver48Copper 1Silver78Copper 1Silver78Copper 170K 215K
TOTAL 444Gold71Silver52Copper 1Silver78Copper
Min. Sell Price to make profit 523Gold19Silver44Copper 2Silver10Copper

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+21 Agony Infusion
+20 Agony Infusion
Thermocatalytic Reagent
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+21 Agony Infusion
+21 Agony Infusion
Buying BidsSelling Offers
+20 Agony Infusion
+20 Agony Infusion
Buying BidsSelling Offers
Thermocatalytic Reagent
Thermocatalytic Reagent
Buying BidsSelling Offers

Selling Offers

+20 Agony Infusion
+20 Agony Infusion
Thermocatalytic Reagent
Thermocatalytic Reagent

Buying Bids

+20 Agony Infusion
+20 Agony Infusion
Thermocatalytic Reagent
Thermocatalytic Reagent

Optimum number to craft

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"With Offer" will only use the lowest selling bid/highest buying offer
DirectlyWith Offer
Selling +21 Agony InfusionX
Buying +20 Agony InfusionX
Buying Thermocatalytic ReagentX
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