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Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor (Rare)
This recipe produces 1 Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Warning: you need to have the corresponding recipe sheet
Required Level: 0
Last updated: 2mn ago
By TailorTailor - Level 200
Supply: 28 / Demand: 142

Min. profit

Sell Price 1Gold17Silver98Copper
Buying Price 9Gold07Silver54Copper
Profit -8Gold07Silver26Copper
Profit % -88.95

Max. profit

Sell Price 27Gold98Silver94Copper
Buying Price 3Gold40Silver04Copper
Profit 20Gold39Silver05Copper
Profit % 599.65

Live Listings

Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Buying BidsSelling Offers

Optimum number to craft

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"With Offer" will only use the lowest selling bid/highest buying offer
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Selling Satchel of Honed Masquerade ArmorX
Buying Cured Coarse Leather SquareX
Buying Bolt of CottonX
Buying Spool of Cotton ThreadX
Buying Honed Intricate Cotton InsigniaX

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Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor Overview

Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor (Rare)
Min. profit for 1:-8Gold07Silver26Copper
Max. profit for 1:20Gold39Silver05Copper
More Details...
Min. profit Max. profit
Sell Price 1Gold17Silver98Copper 27Gold98Silver94Copper
Buying Price 9Gold07Silver54Copper 3Gold40Silver04Copper
Profit -8Gold07Silver26Copper 20Gold39Silver05Copper
Profit % -88.95 599.65
This recipe produces 1 Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Warning: you need to have the corresponding recipe sheet
Required Level: 0
Last updated: 2mn ago
By TailorTailor - Level 200
Supply: 28 / Demand: 142


Item Name Qty. Min. Unit Price Min. Total Price Max. Unit Price Max. Total Price Supply Demand
Cured Coarse Leather Square
Cured Coarse Leather Square
Last updated: 2mn ago
6 90Copper 5Silver40Copper 98Copper 5Silver88Copper 205K 58K
Bolt of Cotton
Bolt of Cotton
Last updated: 2mn ago
18 13Copper 2Silver34Copper 21Copper 3Silver78Copper 753K 176K
Spool of Cotton Thread
Spool of Cotton Thread
Last updated: 2mn ago
10 20Copper 2Silver00Copper 37Copper 3Silver70Copper 62K 50K
Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia
Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia
Last updated: 2mn ago
6 55Silver05Copper 3Gold30Silver30Copper 1Gold49Silver03Copper 8Gold94Silver18Copper 159 2028
TOTAL 3Gold40Silver04Copper 9Gold07Silver54Copper
Min. Sell Price to make profit 4Gold00Silver05Copper 10Gold67Silver70Copper

Live Listings

Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Cured Coarse Leather Square
Bolt of Cotton
Spool of Cotton Thread
Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia
Click on an icon for the listing details
Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Buying BidsSelling Offers
Cured Coarse Leather Square
Cured Coarse Leather Square
Buying BidsSelling Offers
Bolt of Cotton
Bolt of Cotton
Buying BidsSelling Offers
Spool of Cotton Thread
Spool of Cotton Thread
Buying BidsSelling Offers
Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia
Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia
Buying BidsSelling Offers

Selling Offers

Cured Coarse Leather Square
Cured Coarse Leather Square
Bolt of Cotton
Bolt of Cotton
Spool of Cotton Thread
Spool of Cotton Thread
Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia
Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia

Buying Bids

Cured Coarse Leather Square
Cured Coarse Leather Square
Bolt of Cotton
Bolt of Cotton
Spool of Cotton Thread
Spool of Cotton Thread
Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia
Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia

Optimum number to craft

Tip: Click to change the buying/selling option
"With Offer" will only use the lowest selling bid/highest buying offer
DirectlyWith Offer
Selling Satchel of Honed Masquerade ArmorX
Buying Cured Coarse Leather SquareX
Buying Bolt of CottonX
Buying Spool of Cotton ThreadX
Buying Honed Intricate Cotton InsigniaX
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