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Cleric's Rascal Pants
Cleric's Rascal Pants (Masterwork)
This recipe produces 1 Cleric's Rascal Pants
You don't need to buy a recipe sheet for this recipe
Required Level: 65
Last updated: 5mn ago
By LeatherworkerLeatherworker - Level 275
Supply: 219 / Demand: 809

Min. profit

Sell Price 2Silver80Copper
Buying Price 54Silver83Copper
Profit -52Silver45Copper
Profit % -95.66

Max. profit

Sell Price 21Silver13Copper
Buying Price 15Silver81Copper
Profit 2Silver15Copper
Profit % 13.6

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Cleric's Rascal Pants
Cleric's Rascal Pants
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Cleric's Rascal Pants Overview

Cleric's Rascal Pants
Cleric's Rascal Pants (Masterwork)
Min. profit for 1:-52Silver45Copper
Max. profit for 1:2Silver15Copper
More Details...
Min. profit Max. profit
Sell Price 2Silver80Copper 21Silver13Copper
Buying Price 54Silver83Copper 15Silver81Copper
Profit -52Silver45Copper 2Silver15Copper
Profit % -95.66 13.6
This recipe produces 1 Cleric's Rascal Pants
You don't need to buy a recipe sheet for this recipe
Required Level: 65
Last updated: 5mn ago
By LeatherworkerLeatherworker - Level 275
Supply: 219 / Demand: 809


Item Name Qty. Min. Unit Price Min. Total Price Max. Unit Price Max. Total Price Supply Demand
Cleric's Embroidered Linen Insignia
Cleric's Embroidered Linen Insignia
Last updated: 4mn ago
1 14Silver40Copper 14Silver40Copper 39Silver75Copper 39Silver75Copper 2410 1879
Rugged Trouser Padding
Rugged Trouser Padding
Last updated: 4mn ago
1 7Copper 7Copper 8Copper 8Copper 5315 8
Rugged Trouser Panel
Rugged Trouser Panel
Last updated: 4mn ago
1 1Silver34Copper 1Silver34Copper 15Silver00Copper 15Silver00Copper 1747 394
TOTAL 15Silver81Copper 54Silver83Copper
Min. Sell Price to make profit 18Silver61Copper 64Silver51Copper

Live Listings

Cleric's Rascal Pants
Cleric's Embroidered Linen Insignia
Rugged Trouser Padding
Rugged Trouser Panel
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Cleric's Rascal Pants
Cleric's Rascal Pants
Buying BidsSelling Offers
Cleric's Embroidered Linen Insignia
Cleric's Embroidered Linen Insignia
Buying BidsSelling Offers
Rugged Trouser Padding
Rugged Trouser Padding
Buying BidsSelling Offers
Rugged Trouser Panel
Rugged Trouser Panel
Buying BidsSelling Offers

Selling Offers

Cleric's Embroidered Linen Insignia
Cleric's Embroidered Linen Insignia
Rugged Trouser Padding
Rugged Trouser Padding
Rugged Trouser Panel
Rugged Trouser Panel

Buying Bids

Cleric's Embroidered Linen Insignia
Cleric's Embroidered Linen Insignia
Rugged Trouser Padding
Rugged Trouser Padding
Rugged Trouser Panel
Rugged Trouser Panel

Optimum number to craft

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"With Offer" will only use the lowest selling bid/highest buying offer
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Buying Cleric's Embroidered Linen InsigniaX
Buying Rugged Trouser PaddingX
Buying Rugged Trouser PanelX
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