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Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada (Obra Maestra)
This recipe produces 1 Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Warning: you need to have the corresponding recipe sheet
Required Level: 40
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
By CocineroCocinero - Level 200
Supply: 194 / Demand: 4554

Min. profit

Sell Price 7Silver06Copper
Buying Price 33Silver30Copper
Profit -27Silver30Copper
Profit % -81.98

Max. profit

Sell Price 59Silver80Copper
Buying Price 13Silver90Copper
Profit 36Silver93Copper
Profit % 265.68

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Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada
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Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada Overview

Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada (Obra Maestra)
Min. profit for 1:-27Silver30Copper
Max. profit for 1:36Silver93Copper
More Details...
Min. profit Max. profit
Sell Price 7Silver06Copper 59Silver80Copper
Buying Price 33Silver30Copper 13Silver90Copper
Profit -27Silver30Copper 36Silver93Copper
Profit % -81.98 265.68
This recipe produces 1 Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Warning: you need to have the corresponding recipe sheet
Required Level: 40
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
By CocineroCocinero - Level 200
Supply: 194 / Demand: 4554


Item Name Qty. Min. Unit Price Min. Total Price Max. Unit Price Max. Total Price Supply Demand
Cuenco de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Cuenco de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
10 1Silver39Copper 13Silver90Copper 3Silver33Copper 33Silver30Copper 3239 25K
TOTAL 13Silver90Copper 33Silver30Copper
Min. Sell Price to make profit 16Silver36Copper 39Silver18Copper

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Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Cuenco de sopa de pollo y col rizada
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Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Olla de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Buying BidsSelling Offers
Cuenco de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Cuenco de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Buying BidsSelling Offers

Selling Offers

Cuenco de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Cuenco de sopa de pollo y col rizada

Buying Bids

Cuenco de sopa de pollo y col rizada
Cuenco de sopa de pollo y col rizada

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"With Offer" will only use the lowest selling bid/highest buying offer
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