Sorry, I do not speak any Spanish. Therefore, only the items names have been translated. In case you want to help with the translation, please send me an email

Making Money with Crafting & Trading Post in Guild Wars 2

How can you know what items to craft in order to make the most profit?
It's easy, you only have to use one of these 4 techniques and the page for each category will tell you which items are currently most profitable

Easy Money

Guaranteed immediate money
Just buy the components (at the lowest price amongst available items) and sell the crafted item to the current highest offer. With this option, you are guaranteed to make money but the returns are moderate.

Maximum Profit

Higher profit for higher risk
Bid to buy components (at the highest existing bid) and try to sell the crafted item (at the lowest existing offer)

Buy Bid

Reliable delayed profit
Bid to buy components (e.g. at the highest existing bid) and sell the crafted item to the current highest offer. The nice thing about this technique is that you can remove your bid if the item you want to craft becomes less profitable.

Sell Offer

Craft now sell later
Buy the components (at the lowest price amongst available items) and try to sell the crafted item (at the lowest existing offer).
Recipes List.: Go through the recipes and retrieve the optimum number of items to craft
Ingredient Sell: Go through the ingredients and retrieve how best to sell yours
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