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Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
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Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
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Best way to use Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription

NameSell PriceProfit / Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
View Vigorous Dredge Harpoon Gun Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge Harpoon GunVigorous Dredge Harpoon Gun
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byHuntsmanHuntsman, level 200
Seasoned Rifle Stock
Seasoned Rifle Stock
7Silver10Copper/ Unit
=> 7Silver10Copper
Seasoned Harpoon
Seasoned Harpoon
10Silver45Copper/ Unit
=> 10Silver45Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
1Gold20Silver03Copper 84Silver47Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Trident Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge TridentVigorous Dredge Trident
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byArtificerArtificer, level 200
Steel Trident Head
Steel Trident Head
3Silver80Copper/ Unit
=> 3Silver80Copper
Seasoned Trident Shaft
Seasoned Trident Shaft
3Silver13Copper/ Unit
=> 3Silver13Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
80Silver85Copper 61Silver79Copper
View Vigorous Steel Imbued InscriptionView Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription Selling Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription to the Trading PostTrading Post 72Silver01Copper 61Silver20Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Lamp Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge LampVigorous Dredge Lamp
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byHuntsmanHuntsman, level 200
Steel Torch Head
Steel Torch Head
6Silver77Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver77Copper
Seasoned Torch Handle
Seasoned Torch Handle
4Silver86Copper/ Unit
=> 4Silver86Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
82Silver09Copper 58Silver14Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Double Horn Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge Double HornVigorous Dredge Double Horn
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byHuntsmanHuntsman, level 200
Steel Warhorn Mouthpiece
Steel Warhorn Mouthpiece
3Silver00Copper/ Unit
=> 3Silver00Copper
Steel Horn
Steel Horn
9Silver00Copper/ Unit
=> 9Silver00Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
76Silver19Copper 52Silver76Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Edge Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge EdgeVigorous Dredge Edge
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byWeaponsmithWeaponsmith, level 200
Steel Sword Blade
Steel Sword Blade
10Silver14Copper/ Unit
=> 10Silver14Copper
Steel Sword Hilt
Steel Sword Hilt
8Silver04Copper/ Unit
=> 8Silver04Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
82Silver25Copper 51Silver73Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Baton Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge BatonVigorous Dredge Baton
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byArtificerArtificer, level 200
Seasoned Scepter Rod
Seasoned Scepter Rod
6Silver07Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver07Copper
Seasoned Scepter Core
Seasoned Scepter Core
1Silver91Copper/ Unit
=> 1Silver91Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
70Silver02Copper 51Silver53Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Pillar Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge PillarVigorous Dredge Pillar
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byArtificerArtificer, level 200
Seasoned Staff Head
Seasoned Staff Head
1Silver79Copper/ Unit
=> 1Silver79Copper
Seasoned Staff Shaft
Seasoned Staff Shaft
11Silver73Copper/ Unit
=> 11Silver73Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
75Silver02Copper 50Silver24Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Bonehewer Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge BonehewerVigorous Dredge Bonehewer
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byWeaponsmithWeaponsmith, level 200
Steel Axe Blade
Steel Axe Blade
10Silver64Copper/ Unit
=> 10Silver64Copper
Small Seasoned Haft
Small Seasoned Haft
2Silver68Copper/ Unit
=> 2Silver68Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
70Silver04Copper 46Silver21Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Firearm Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge FirearmVigorous Dredge Firearm
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byHuntsmanHuntsman, level 200
Seasoned Pistol Frame
Seasoned Pistol Frame
4Silver28Copper/ Unit
=> 4Silver28Copper
Steel Pistol Barrel
Steel Pistol Barrel
13Silver85Copper/ Unit
=> 13Silver85Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
75Silver14Copper 45Silver73Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Spear Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge SpearVigorous Dredge Spear
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byWeaponsmithWeaponsmith, level 200
Steel Spear Head
Steel Spear Head
9Silver83Copper/ Unit
=> 9Silver83Copper
Large Seasoned Haft
Large Seasoned Haft
3Silver49Copper/ Unit
=> 3Silver49Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
69Silver03Copper 45Silver35Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Boomstick Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge BoomstickVigorous Dredge Boomstick
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byHuntsmanHuntsman, level 200
Seasoned Rifle Stock
Seasoned Rifle Stock
7Silver10Copper/ Unit
=> 7Silver10Copper
Steel Rifle Barrel
Steel Rifle Barrel
7Silver65Copper/ Unit
=> 7Silver65Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
61Silver31Copper 37Silver36Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Reflex Bow Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge Reflex BowVigorous Dredge Reflex Bow
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byHuntsmanHuntsman, level 200
Seasoned Longbow Stave
Seasoned Longbow Stave
11Silver88Copper/ Unit
=> 11Silver88Copper
Coarse String
Coarse String
2Silver68Copper/ Unit
=> 2Silver68Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
60Silver03Copper 36Silver46Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Bloodletter Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge BloodletterVigorous Dredge Bloodletter
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byWeaponsmithWeaponsmith, level 200
Steel Dagger Blade
Steel Dagger Blade
12Silver50Copper/ Unit
=> 12Silver50Copper
Steel Dagger Hilt
Steel Dagger Hilt
3Silver95Copper/ Unit
=> 3Silver95Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
59Silver79Copper 34Silver37Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Canary Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge CanaryVigorous Dredge Canary
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byArtificerArtificer, level 200
Seasoned Focus Casing
Seasoned Focus Casing
5Silver79Copper/ Unit
=> 5Silver79Copper
Seasoned Focus Core
Seasoned Focus Core
2Silver71Copper/ Unit
=> 2Silver71Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
49Silver35Copper 33Silver44Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Pulverizer Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge PulverizerVigorous Dredge Pulverizer
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byWeaponsmithWeaponsmith, level 200
Steel Hammer Head
Steel Hammer Head
10Silver08Copper/ Unit
=> 10Silver08Copper
Large Seasoned Haft
Large Seasoned Haft
3Silver49Copper/ Unit
=> 3Silver49Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
50Silver28Copper 29Silver16Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Barricade Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge BarricadeVigorous Dredge Barricade
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byWeaponsmithWeaponsmith, level 200
Steel Shield Boss
Steel Shield Boss
5Silver87Copper/ Unit
=> 5Silver87Copper
Steel Shield Backing
Steel Shield Backing
6Silver30Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver30Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
45Silver03Copper 26Silver10Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Sunderer Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge SundererVigorous Dredge Sunderer
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byWeaponsmithWeaponsmith, level 200
Steel Greatsword Blade
Steel Greatsword Blade
14Silver20Copper/ Unit
=> 14Silver20Copper
Steel Greatsword Hilt
Steel Greatsword Hilt
11Silver59Copper/ Unit
=> 11Silver59Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
53Silver93Copper 20Silver05Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Flanged Mace Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge Flanged MaceVigorous Dredge Flanged Mace
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byWeaponsmithWeaponsmith, level 200
Steel Mace Head
Steel Mace Head
12Silver60Copper/ Unit
=> 12Silver60Copper
Small Seasoned Haft
Small Seasoned Haft
2Silver68Copper/ Unit
=> 2Silver68Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
40Silver54Copper 19Silver17Copper
View Vigorous Dredge Short Bow Details
PlushideVigorous Dredge Short BowVigorous Dredge Short Bow
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byHuntsmanHuntsman, level 200
Seasoned Short-Bow Stave
Seasoned Short-Bow Stave
9Silver97Copper/ Unit
=> 9Silver97Copper
Coarse String
Coarse String
2Silver68Copper/ Unit
=> 2Silver68Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription used: 1
26Silver24Copper 9Silver65Copper
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription Selling Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription to the MerchantMerchant 34Copper 34Copper

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