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Orichalcum Hook
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List of the different ways to use Orichalcum Hook Orichalcum Hook

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Orichalcum Hook
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Best way to use Orichalcum Hook

NameSell PriceProfit / Orichalcum Hook
View Serpentite Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideSerpentite Orichalcum EarringSerpentite Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Serpentite Jewel
Exquisite Serpentite Jewel
19Silver97Copper/ Unit
=> 99Silver85Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
1Gold33Silver41Copper 6Silver97Copper
View Orichalcum HookView Orichalcum Hook Selling Orichalcum Hook to the Trading PostTrading Post 4Silver20Copper 3Silver57Copper
Orichalcum Hook Selling Orichalcum Hook to the MerchantMerchant 8Copper 8Copper
View Sapphire Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideSapphire Orichalcum EarringSapphire Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Sapphire Jewel
Exquisite Sapphire Jewel
37Silver99Copper/ Unit
=> 1Gold89Silver95Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
1Gold76Silver11Copper -46Silver83Copper
View Beryl Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideBeryl Orichalcum EarringBeryl Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Beryl Jewel
Exquisite Beryl Jewel
50Silver69Copper/ Unit
=> 2Gold53Silver45Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
2Gold00Silver48Copper -89Silver62Copper
View Opal Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideOpal Orichalcum EarringOpal Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Opal Jewel
Exquisite Opal Jewel
59Silver99Copper/ Unit
=> 2Gold99Silver95Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
2Gold25Silver39Copper -1Gold14Silver94Copper
View Snowflake Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideSnowflake Orichalcum EarringSnowflake Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Snowflake
Exquisite Snowflake
1Gold00Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 5Gold02Silver85Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
4Gold51Silver58Copper -1Gold25Silver58Copper
View Chrysocola Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideChrysocola Orichalcum EarringChrysocola Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Chrysocola Jewel
Exquisite Chrysocola Jewel
56Silver62Copper/ Unit
=> 2Gold83Silver10Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
1Gold91Silver28Copper -1Gold27Silver09Copper
View Ruby Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideRuby Orichalcum EarringRuby Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Ruby Jewel
Exquisite Ruby Jewel
65Silver58Copper/ Unit
=> 3Gold27Silver90Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
2Gold41Silver05Copper -1Gold29Silver58Copper
View Passiflora Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushidePassiflora Orichalcum EarringPassiflora Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Passion Flower
Exquisite Passion Flower
73Silver86Copper/ Unit
=> 3Gold69Silver30Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
2Gold85Silver22Copper -1Gold33Silver44Copper
View Coral Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideCoral Orichalcum EarringCoral Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Coral Jewel
Exquisite Coral Jewel
66Silver70Copper/ Unit
=> 3Gold33Silver50Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
2Gold31Silver43Copper -1Gold43Silver36Copper
View Emerald Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideEmerald Orichalcum EarringEmerald Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Emerald Jewel
Exquisite Emerald Jewel
59Silver47Copper/ Unit
=> 2Gold97Silver35Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
1Gold73Silver56Copper -1Gold56Silver40Copper
View Azurite Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideAzurite Orichalcum EarringAzurite Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Azurite Jewel
Exquisite Azurite Jewel
91Silver68Copper/ Unit
=> 4Gold58Silver40Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
2Gold36Silver82Copper -2Gold63Silver68Copper
View Sprocket Orichalcum Earring Details
PlushideSprocket Orichalcum EarringSprocket Orichalcum Earring
1 item is produced with the following recipe:
Crafted byJewelerJeweler, level 400
Exquisite Watchwork Sprocket
Exquisite Watchwork Sprocket
2Gold84Silver77Copper/ Unit
=> 14Gold23Silver85Copper
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Hook
Orichalcum Setting
Orichalcum Setting
6Silver57Copper/ Unit
=> 6Silver57Copper
Last updated: Less than 1mn ago
Total Orichalcum Hook used: 1
7Gold81Silver07Copper -7Gold66Silver52Copper

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Recipe Details
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